Introduction to R and Bioconductor, Dec 2011

Course Description

This course is an introduction to R and Bioconductor, a powerful and flexible statistical language for analysis of genetic and genomics data ( The course will introduce attendees to the basics of using R for statistical programming, computation, graphics, and modeling, especially for analyzing high-throughput genomic data. We will start with a basic introduction to the R language, reading and writing data, and plotting data. Case studies and data will all be based on real gene expression and genomics data. We will introduce the main classes and packages in Bioconductor. Our goal is to get attendees up and running with R and Bioconductor such that they can use it in their research and are in a good position to expand their knowledge of R and Bioconductor on their own.


Required Software

I recommend the following software.
  • R. Download R from from the R home page
  • The integrated development envirnoment (IDE) R Studio available for Windows, Mac or Linux OS
  • Install Bioconductor. Start R and type the following command (it requires an internet connection)
  • Latex
    • Windows: MikTex or there is a easy-to-install Tex software bundle called proTeXt which includes MikTex, the latex editor TeXnicCenter and Ghostscript
    • MacOS: MaxTEx
  • Latex Editor ( a comparison of editors )
These should be pretty straightforward download and install, but this document provides a little more detail instruction on installing R and Bioconductor (from May 2011) extension packages (not required for course).


Dec 14th- 9:30am – 5:00pm
Dec 15th – 9:30am – 12:00pm


Day 1 Day 2

For today please install the required packages by coping these commands in R


Files required for both survival and predictionNetworks are available as a compressed zip file